
We are excited to offer education to the community that will enrich both individuals and families lives for generations to come.  It is proven that if you help enhance healthy relationship practices the entire family benefits.   We often go into our love relationships hoping that we have good judgment and are making the right decision.  We may look at our relationship role models for understanding of what a relationship is supposed to look like.  What if one does not have good examples to choose from?  What if we had an opportunity to really explore and gain a true understanding of our ourselves as an individual before finding the partner to join us?  Well, relationship education is one of the ways to help us make better decisions along the journey.  Whether you are single, engaged, married, divorced or widowed you could benefit from learning what we have to offer.  You will find yourself wishing that you had taken this course a lot earlier in life!! 

We have 2 different learning opportunities:  

1.  PICK a  Partner/ How to Avoid Falling for a Jerk Classes for SINGLES
2.  PREP- Prevention and Relationship Education Program for COUPLES


P.I.C.K.  a Partner/How to Avoid Falling For a Jerk Classes
Premarital Interpersonal Choices & Knowledge (PICK)
Developed by John Van Epp, PhD

                The PICK Course provides
 a thorough educational training both about relationships (boundaries, attachment, intimacy, trust, sex and commitment) and the five areas identified in research that are essential to explore in the premarital relationship. It includes 5-session course in two-hour sessions.  You will gain a practical and in-depth understanding of the ways to apply the Relationship Attachment Model (R.A.M.) to pacing the development of a romantic relationship. 

            Major areas presented in the training include: intimacy and romantic love; how trust is developed; emotional dependence and attachment; commitment and a love bond; sexual involvement and personal boundaries; predictors of marital satisfaction; family background and mate choice; the role of the conscience in marital relationships; communication and conflict management skills and marital success; and areas of compatibility to consider in the premarital process. 

* You will understand the importance of pacing a romantic relationship.
* You will learn the major areas to get to know about someone you are dating: 

    a. Family dynamics that predict future marriage patterns.
    b. Attitudes and actions of someone’s conscience.
    c. Compatibility potential between you and the person you are dating.
    d. Examples of how a person acts from learning about previous relationships.
    e. Skills a person has in communication and conflict resolution.

* You will thoroughly understand the Relationship Attachment Model (R.A.M.):
* You will gain answers to the most commonly asked questions about premarital relationships and marital choice.

* You will deepen your confidence in dating relationships and your future choice of a spouse.
* You will explore common problems that lead to poor choices.

265 West Pike Street, Suite #4
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
© 2010 Changing Perceptions Therapy. All rights reserved.